Saturday, September 29, 2012

Raising Finances For Distinct Opportunities

Crowd funding is a collective effort of different people who join hands to mix their resources in order to support steps taken by other individuals or organizations; this is usually done via the internet. There is no restriction for supporting any action by crowd funding. Different activities like startup companies, support of artists by fans, political campaigns, movies, disaster relief, free software development and citizen journalism are generally supported by crowd funding. Selling small amount of equity to various investors for funding a company is also a form of crowd funding. In April 05, 2012 President Obama signed an Act into a law that allows a wide range of investors to make investments with much lesser restrictions. The US policymakers chose to make this move because crowd funding seems to be one of the good ways of the problem of on-going recession. However, the specific rules and guidelines for ensuring the protection of investors are to be set forth yet.

A bank called MicroVentures has recently taken a bold step. It is an investment bank for the startups. It was founded in 2009, and it is a market place that has built a platform that offers startups and existing small businesses to early-stage capital investment or micro investments. This Texas originated organization now offers an exclusive opportunity for investors to offer funding resources to entrepreneurs and early stage organizations that need capital to speed up company development. This bank helps startups to boost capital from angel investors after conducting and approving required research on them. The process of this bank to improve capitals is the same as crowd funding. It gives private investors the ability to invest small amount of capital to crowd fund a start-up raising a bigger capital. The concept is quite comparable to peer to peer lending; however, one gets equity for his investment instead of the debt.

MicroVentures has already funded millions of dollars to a lot of organizations like Facebook, Yelp, Techstar’s, Shopobot etc. Suprisingly, most of the projects worked in this tight economy and it appears to be crowd funding is the investment of the future.
For more info: Click Here For Details